

Plasser TampingControl

Plasser TampingControl is a digital assistance system which increases the quality of work for a precise, long-lasting track geometry. Sensors on the tamping unit record and analyse measuring values during the tamping process. Support for operators: certain phases of the tamping process are automated and operators receive feedback on the work result in real time. At the same time, valuable information about the track infrastructure and the work carried out can be made available to infrastructure managers.


The squeezing force is automatically adjusted to the ballast condition to ensure optimum compaction.


By providing information on the ballast condition during the same maintenance task, transparency increases.


VoidDetection displays whether the respective sleeper has been sufficiently filled at the end of each tamping process.

Added value

Plasser TampingControl

  • ForceAutomation
    • A decrease in effort for operating staff
    • Increases process reliability
    • Reduces infrastructure wear
    • Reduces stress on the machine
    • Compatible with national directives (e.g. stipulated minimum squeezing times)
  • BallastMonitoring
    • Cost-effective ballast screening without track possessions
    • No additional machine needed for measuring
    • Transparency about the ballast condition in the respective track areas directly while tamping
    • Objective decision-making criteria for planning any necessary maintenance measures
    • Potential competitive advantage for machine operating companies with tenders by providing the infrastructure manager with additional information on the ballast condition
  • VoidDetection
    • Transparency about the filling performed under the sleepers
    • Direct feedback for the operators in real time
    • Proof of quality for compliant filling in the form of a report for the infrastructure manager

How it works

Plasser TampingControl

  • ForceAutomation
    1. Various parameters to describe subsoil properties are determined during the penetration process
    2. Calculates the optimum squeezing force
    3. Automatically accepts the parameters or operating staff adjusts them manually
    4. Records the parameters used for documenting proof of the work performed
  • BallastMonitoring
    1. The penetration behaviour of the tamping tines is used to assess the ballast.
    2. Recorded data are classified to derive objective decision-making criteria for performing any necessary maintenance measures (in line with the granulation size).
    3. This data is available in the DRP or the TampingReport.
  • VoidDetection
    1. It is possible to see whether the respective sleeper is sufficiently filled at the end of each tamping process.
    2. Based on this information, an additional tamping process can be initiated if needed.


Plasser TampingControl