Complementary services


Plasser & Theurer stands for global expertise in track construction and maintenance. For decades, we have developed innovative technologies and have successfully applied them on track. However, to be able to present these technologies to the expert community and introduce them to the market, solid information and client references are essential.

Our wide offering expands the range of products and services of infrastructure managers and construction companies. This creates new partnerships in which our expertise and our technology are put to use. The use of innovative technologies is an economical alternative to machine purchases.

Users do not have to invest in technical expertise; this saves budget funds. Our offering lets users focus on their core activities and enables them to outsource work to specialists.

URM 700-2

The URM 700-2 universal ballast cleaning machine is our new all-rounder for ballast bed cleaning – it is unique on the world market. The machine offers innovative technology, which we provide as a complete service for turnouts, in a niche segment.

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