A newly developed rail grinding machine for light rail and trams assures rail traffic stays easy on the ears: trains travel more quietly on ground rails. The world’s first ATMO (Automatic Track Machine Oscillator) was developed as part of Shift2Rail and combines two working methods: conventional sliding grinding with oscillating grinding. The machine employs two grinding saddles, each featuring two grinding stones per rail head. A hydraulic mechanism moves the grinding saddles horizontally, in the longitudinal direction of the rails, with variable frequency. By constantly moving back and forth while travelling slowly, at speeds of up to 8 km/h, precisely fine-tuned grinding is achieved in a single pass.
No staff is required on the rail grinding trailer. It is remotely controlled from the traction unit. In both directions of travel, the ATMO grinds at travelling speeds of up to 30 km/h and blends seamlessly into normal tram traffic. As a result, no line closures are required. Relatively tight curve radii pose a challenge in urban environments. The four-axle rail grinding trailer can work in radii down to 17.25 m and can travel along radii as small as 16.25 m.