URM 700-2
Complete turnout service
Complete turnout service
Unique on the world market, the innovative technology of the URM 700-2 enables us to fill a market niche by offering full turnout service. Cost-efficiency is the goal - not only when maintaining plain line track, but even more so when maintaining turnouts which often affects two tracks at the same time. The duration of track closures is a key factor, particularly for main-line railways. The URM 700-2 offers decisive advantages when managing tight schedules for turnout maintenance. There is no need to remove and reinstall the turnout. Both ballast cleaning and tamping in turnouts can be completed during one single shift. As soon as the work has been completed, the track section can be reopened for traffic.
Our URM 700-2 ballast cleaning machine is the core technology for turnout maintenance. This machine makes it possible to clean the ballast bed without removing the turnout. Moreover, it allows for continuous working progress. In addition, it cleans the ballast shoulders. The machine is also suited for maintaining large high-speed turnouts with movable-point frog. Another advantage is that sections of track at connecting tracks and between turnouts can be cleaned in one pass.
Thanks to the fast and independent installation and removal of the excavating unit, the URM 700-2 works cost-efficiently on short sections of track.
Conception personnalisée pour votre machine sur-mesure
Les exigences posées par les différents exploitants de machines complexes à haut rendement peuvent varier considérablement. Les critères propres à chaque pays sont ici tout aussi importants que les besoins individuels. En proposant des machines de conception personnalisable, nous nous adaptons à vos besoins spécifiques. Nous concevons et construisons vos machines sur-mesure tout en prenant en compte votre expérience du terrain.
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