Forward-looking workspace designNew milestones in ergonomics and occupational safety for large machines: the development of the new Plasser AssemblyLiner 1020 is setting standards. Machine
Machine data treasure huntThe aim of predictive maintenance strategies is to estimate the optimum time for maintenance measures. With special machine construction, characterized by small production quantities, conventional statistical or AI-supported data analyses quickly reach their limits. What is needed is a concept that derives specific recommendations for action from the wealth of machine data. Machine
Rail grinding reduces noise emissions caused by tramsThe ATMO (Automatic Track Machine Oscillator) rail grinding trailer has been in use at Wiener Linien for some time as part of a research project. Time to take stock. To what extent can tram emissions such as noise and vibration be reduced thanks to rail grinding? Machine
End-to-end process presented in SwedenAls Entwickler erfüllt es uns mit Freude und einem gewissen Stolz, wenn unsere neuesten Technologien begeisterte Reaktionen hervorrufen. Das war auch im Herbst 2022 der Fall, als unser Versuchsträger, ein vollelektrischer Unimat 09-4x4/4S E³, im Rahmen von Shift2Rail seine Fähigkeiten unter Feldbedingungen in Schweden demonstrieren konnte. Machine
Research on synthetic fuels in track maintenanceWe have set ourselves the goal of advancing carbon-neutral track maintenance and thus contributing to even greater rail sustainability. In addition to our own E³ hybrid machines, synthetic fuels in particular are an important alternative. Therefore, newly manufactured machines can already be delivered so they are compatible for synthetic fuels. Machine
Research developments for the urban railTraffic in tram, light rail and metro networks causes a variety of damage to the rail head. Mechanical stress results in scoring, corrugations, waves, and much more. For decades, preventive, or at least regular, rail grinding has been considered an effective countermeasure. Machine
How do the Dynamic Track Stabiliser and ballast interact with one another?Does the Dynamic Track Stabiliser (DTS) have the potential to be more than a ballast compacting machine? Could it also be a measuring device for monitoring ballast compaction? An ongoing research project conducted by the Vienna University of Technology (TU Wien) is examining these questions. Machine
WCRR 2019 Tokyo : État d’avancement de la rechercheLa série de WCRR a été lancée en 1994 à Paris, principalement à l’initiative de plusieurs grandes entreprises ferroviaires. Depuis lors, le plus important congrès ferroviaire spécialisé fait le tour du monde. En 2019, il s’est arrêté à Tokyo pour la seconde fois depuis 1999. Machine
Function test well before applying the first weld seamFor testing the control system embedded in a machine, you need no longer wait for the machine to be built. Thanks to the Hardware in the Loop method, you can start with the first function tests directly after design is completed. Machine
Dynamic stabilization of new track types in the laboratoryIn her doctoral thesis Sophie Feurig focuses on a detailed analysis of dynamic track stabilisation in the laboratory. An in-depth understanding of the system behaviour of the ballasted track sparks not just her enthusiasm. Machine