

30 resultados encontrados.:

  1. Forward-looking workspace design

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    Further information Related links: Track-bound assembly-line methods have been making a significant contribution to occupational safety in track maintenance since the end of the 1960s. It…

  2. Event-based cameras as the key to precise sleeper detection

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    Further information Sleepers hidden under the ballast are a particular challenge when tamping. Event-based cameras could make machine operators’ work easier, protect sleepers from damage, and…

  3. Step by step to an automated tamping process

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    Further information Increasing capacity utilization, shorter track possessions, and staff shortages require maintenance measures to be optimized. The automation of work processes is therefore…

  4. Instant ballast-condition analysis

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    Further information Precise condition assessment on first contact with the tamping tines Selecting optimum tamping parameters is closely linked to the condition and the quality of the ballast.…

  5. Machine data treasure hunt

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    Further information The aim of predictive maintenance strategies is to estimate the optimum time for maintenance measures. With special machine construction, characterized by small production…

  6. Research partners

    P&T Research /

    Research partners: shaping the future of the railway together Plasser & Theurer’s vision is to make a sustainable contribution to the success of the railway system. To ensure this, the…

  7. End-to-end process presented in Sweden

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    Related links: today 134: Smart Maintenance – More than virtual reality today 135: Absolute track measurement today 139: Machine communication – putting the puzzle together We as developers…

  8. Rail grinding reduces noise emissions caused by trams

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    The ATMO (Automatic Track Machine Oscillator) rail grinding trailer has been in use at Wiener Linien for some time as part of a research project. Time to take stock. To what extent can tram…

  9. Complete turnout inspection in four minutes

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    The parameters measured during a turnout inspection: Track gauge Narrowest passage (between blade and stock rail) Check rail gauge Flange groove Rail profile A new non-contacting…

  10. The tamping unit that understands the ballast

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    Just like the sense of touch enables humans to handle objects according to their texture, “sensing” tamping tines enable the machine to treat ballast in an optimum manner. But how do you teach a…

  11. Research on synthetic fuels in track maintenance

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    We have set ourselves the goal of advancing carbon-neutral track maintenance and thus contributing to even greater rail sustainability. In addition to our own E³ hybrid machines, synthetic fuels…

  12. Revolutionary track inspection from the air

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    Unmanned Aircraft Systems (UAS), auch bekannt als Drohnen, sind zu einem unverzichtbaren Werkzeug für eine Vielzahl von Branchen geworden. Durch ihre Fähigkeit, über große Entfernungen hinweg…

  13. PredictiveTrackView

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    We are currently developing PredictiveTrackView, a comprehensive tool for track infrastructure operators. Its goal is to exhaust all possibilities Building Information Modeling (BIM) offers to make…

  14. All categories

    P&T Research /

    Discover the future of track construction and maintenance Plasser & Theurer’s Research and Development Department is building the future of track construction and maintenance already today. …

  15. Multichannel GPR technology detects munition remnants and other obstacles

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    Fremdkörper in Schotterbettung und Gleisunterbau, wie zum Beispiel Munitionsreste, können Instandhaltungsarbeiten signifikant behindern oder verzögern. Weder mit Metalldetektoren, Magnetometern noch…

  16. Radar: the "eye" of the machine

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    The word “radar” may make you think of air travel and parking assistants. But radars have also entered the field of railway, specifically in the form of ground penetrating radar (GPR), also known as…

  17. It started with the vision of an autonomous tamping machine

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    The turnout tamping assistance system “PlasserSmartTamping – The Assistant” by Plasser & Theurer helps the operator to manage the operational systems of the machine and represents a major step…

  18. Tracking ballast

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    Track ballast has many functions in the permanent way system. It is, amongst others, responsible for the load transfer into the subgrade, the drainage of the superstructure and the reliable position…

  19. How does a track maintenance machine think?

    P&T Research / Artikel /

    This question raises another question: “Is a track maintenance machine actually capable of thinking?” Yes, it is. Artificial Intelligence (AI) enables machines to learn from experience and adapt to…

  20. Smart Technologies

    P&T Research /

Resultados 1 a 20 de 30