

203 results found.:

  1. RU 800 S

    Machine / Fields of application / Track renewal and track laying / Assembly-line method /

    The profitable combination Combination machine for continuous track renewal and ballast bed cleaning RU 800 S

  2. SUM Q-3

    Machine / Fields of application / Track renewal and track laying / Assembly-line method /

    Accurate and fast in 2-sleeper mode Continuous action track renewal machine equipped to return the graded and / or excavated ballast to the track and / or to load into MFS SUM Q-3

  3. SUZ 500 Universal

    Machine / Fields of application / Track renewal and track laying / Assembly-line method /

    Accurate and fast in 2-sleeper mode Continuous action track renewal machine equipped to return the graded and / or excavated ballast to the track SUZ 500 Universal

  4. SUZ 500

    Machine / Fields of application / Track renewal and track laying / Assembly-line method /

    Small radii – no problem SUZ 500

  5. SMD 80

    Machine / Fields of application / Track renewal and track laying / Assembly-line method /

    The standard in assembly-line method Continuous action track renewal machine for renewal and removal of track, can also be used as a track laying machine after fast conversion at start of worksite …

  6. SVM 1000

    Machine / Fields of application / Track renewal and track laying / Assembly-line method /

    Track quality from the outset Continuous action machine for laying new track SVM 1000

  7. PA 1-20 ES

    Machine / Fields of application / Track renewal and track laying / Cyclic method /

    Cyclic method for precise placement of sleepers Cyclic action single sleeper exchanger with rail lifting unit PA 1-20 ES

  8. SWM 15

    Machine / Fields of application / Track renewal and track laying / Cyclic method /

    Proper sleeper treatment SWM 15

  9. WM 500 U

    Machine / Fields of application / Renewal and laying of turnouts /

    Handling turnouts carefully System for installation and removal of turnouts, parts of a turnout or track panels WM 500 U

  10. RPK 40

    Machine / Fields of application / Renewal and laying of turnouts /

    Handling turnouts flexibly Machine with crawler track for installation and removal of turnouts, parts of a turnout or track panels RPK 40

  11. WTW

    Machine / Fields of application / Renewal and laying of turnouts /

    Transport of turnouts in profile Transport wagon for turnouts and parts of a turnout WTW

  12. APT 1500 RC

    Machine / Fields of application / Mobile rail rectification / Welding machines /

    The best connection APT 1500 RC APT 1500 RC

  13. APT 1500 RL

    Machine / Fields of application / Mobile rail rectification / Welding machines /

    today 132 The best connection APT 1500 RL APT 1500 RL

  14. APT 1500 RA

    Machine / Fields of application / Mobile rail rectification / Welding machines /

    The best connection On-track vehicle: Mobile fully automatic rail welding robot using flash-butt welding technology, also suitable for performing closure welds APT 1500 RA

  15. GMTZ

    Machine / Fields of application / Measuring work / Track recording cars /

    Manufacturing quality in series Manufacturing quality of the highest level GMTZ self-propelled track recording car in two-part design: for track geometry measuring, sleeper diagnosis and…

  16. EM160

    Machine / Fields of application / Measuring work / Track recording cars /

    Perfect measuring for your safety Track recording car for track and contact wire surveying incl. evaluation in real time EM160

  17. EM100U

    Machine / Fields of application / Measuring work / Track recording cars /

    Perfect measuring for your safety Track recording car for track surveying and ultrasonic rail flaw detection incl. evaluation in real time EM100U

  18. EM80H

    Machine / Fields of application / Measuring work / Track recording cars /

    Perfect measuring for your safety The EM80H electronic track recording car built for the Gabon railway operator SETRAG supplies real-time data. EM80H

  19. EM30

    Machine / Fields of application / Measuring work / Track recording cars /

    Perfect measuring for your safety Track recording car for track surveying incl. evaluation in real time EM30

  20. CEM 100.223

    Machine / Fields of application / Installation of catenary / Renewal and installation machines / Reference projects /

    Tension in every phase Continuous action catenary renewal and installation machine for simultaneous installation of contact wire and carrying cable with the final tension and staggered suspension …

Search results 41 until 60 of 203