Acoustic and preventive grinding for urban rail networks
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Transport public local
Domaine d‘intervention
Voie courante
Mode travail
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Acoustic grinding and preventive rail grinding helps prevent unwanted noise, vibrations, and consequential damages.
A newly developed work unit combines two working methods: oscillating grinding and sliding grinding.
The oscillating grinding units achieve a higher rate of removal compared to the sliding grinding method.
Particularly suitable for tram and light rail in urban track networks with very tight clearance gauges and a minimal curve radius of 17.5 m in working mode.
Flexible and independent operation - can be towed by a rail vehicle, lorry, and/or road-rail vehicle.
Can be used during regular operation.
Suitable for Vignole rails, grooved rails, and for rails embedded in the road surface.
No flying sparks thanks to grinding stone rinsing.
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