370 resultados encontrados.:
First tamping machine in Germany approved under the Fourth Railway Package: 09-3X Tamping Express by Plasser & Theurer in regular operation
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First tamping machine in Germany approved under the Fourth Railway Package: 09-3X Tamping Express by Plasser & Theurer in regular operation The 09-3X Tamping Express is the first tamping machine in…
Base de datos de imágenes
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Base de datos de imágenes Los materiales gráficos de Plasser & Theurer están protegidos por derechos de autor y únicamente pueden usarse para fines editoriales y no comerciales. Su uso está…
Added value in the long term for the world’s railways
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Added value in the long term for the world’s railways At Plasser & Theurer, we believe in the railway and see ourselves as part of this system. There is no other transport system which is safer,…
Noticias relevantes
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Más información P&T Research actual aktuellTV Presse Noticias relevantes La política de comunicación de Plasser & Theurer se concentra en aquellos ámbitos que tienen relevancia para la…
State-Of-The-Art Track Maintenance Fleet for Egyptian National Railways
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State-Of-The-Art Track Maintenance Fleet for Egyptian National Railways Plasser & Theurer was awarded with a significant contract with Egyptian National Railways (ENR) as part of an…
Review of InnoTrans 2024: a visit from the future
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Review of InnoTrans 2024: a visit from the future “The future of mobility”. This was the motto of InnoTrans 2024, the international trade fair for transport technology. “Future track technology NOW”…
Plasser & Theurer and Siemens Mobility agree on partnership for long-term ETCS collaboration
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Plasser & Theurer and Siemens Mobility agree on partnership for long-term ETCS collaboration At this year's InnoTrans trade fair in Berlin, Plasser & Theurer and Siemens Mobility signed a…
Plasser CatenaryCrafter for DB InfraGO
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Plasser CatenaryCrafter for DB InfraGO Plasser & Theurer has maintained a successful business relationship with Deutsche Bahn for 65 years, and many important track construction technologies…
High-tech hybrid vehicle presented at InnoTrans
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High-tech hybrid vehicle presented at InnoTrans The railway of tomorrow needs an efficient infrastructure network. In the case of ÖBB, the goal is to double capacity in Austria by 2040. Maintenance…
Collaboration between Plasser & Theurer and HYPERION
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Collaboration between Plasser & Theurer and HYPERION At this year's InnoTrans, a new technology for reducing respirable particulate matter on railway construction sites will be presented to an…
Ground-breaking ceremony for new factory
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Ground-breaking ceremony for new factory On 11 September, Plasser & Theurer, the global technology leader for track construction and maintenance machines, celebrated the ground-breaking ceremony…
Mobile testing equipment for urban rails
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Mobile testing equipment for urban rails Local transport operating companies have special requirements in terms of inspecting and measuring infrastructure. They need more flexibility to perform…
Added value in the long term for the world’s railways
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Added value in the long term for the world’s railways The 14th edition of InnoTrans, the world’s leading trade fair for transport technology, will take place in Berlin from 24 to 27 September 2024.…
Sustainable mobility
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For a stronger railway system The powerful performance of railways has many facets: heavy rail, heavy haul, high speed, suburban and industrial railways. We have been shaping the railway system…
Todos Eventos
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InnoTrans 2024 iaf 2022 Review InnoTrans 2022 Review
Soluciones sostenibles
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Medalla de bronce de EcoVadis en 2023 Por vez primera, Plasser & Theurer fue galardonada por su ejemplar gestión empresarial sostenible. La reconocida plataforma independiente de certificación…
Retrofit for the Unimat 09-32/4S Dynamic in less than four months
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Retrofit for the Unimat 09-32/4S Dynamic in less than four months It is important for our customers to have retrofits of existing machines completed in a short space of time. In this respect, the…
Corporate policy
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Corporate policy Plasser & Theurer makes a sustainable contribution to the railway system stands for pioneering spirit and innovative strength manages the company responsibly,…
31 inventions registered in 2023 – Plasser & Theurer continues to focus on innovation
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31 inventions registered in 2023 – Plasser & Theurer continues to focus on innovation Since the company was founded over 70 years ago, Plasser & Theurer has been developing track maintenance…
Visión de futuro por tradición
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Soluciones sostenibles Alta Velocidad ferroviaria 6 254 g green Transporte ferroviario nacional 41 254 g green Autobús 104 254 g grey Automóvil 171 254 g grey Vuelos de larga distancia incl.…