Plasser InfraSpector Truck

Flexible en intervention : système de mesure sur roues

A road-rail vehicle that measures regional networks

plus d’informations
Réseau conventionnel
Transport public local
Réseaux ferrés industriels
Domaine d‘intervention
Appareil de voie
Voie courante
Mode travail
En continu


The Plasser InfraSpector Truck offers flexible transfer options. When starting out on the road, it is then possible to switch to the rail running gear at a suitable location. For example, a railway crossing with a width of only 6 metres is sufficient.

When travelling on track, the machine can be controlled in both directions. The data obtained is analysed and processed in the air-conditioned workroom: the track geometry, the rail’s longitudinal profile and cross section, and the structure gauge. Plasser Italiana offers measurement services throughout Europe with this vehicle. In addition, systems can be integrated for the diagnostics areas of the track (B), rail (R), turnout (S) and overhead contact line (C), such as an ultrasonic measuring system (R).


Machine illustration
