More than 0

machines supplied use the technology of the CompactStabilizer

In 05

countries successfully in operation

0 km/h

bei Überstellfahrt

Increases the quality reserve of the track

Dynamic stabilizing of plain-line tracks and turnouts

  • From narrow track gauge to broad track gauge and for very tight structure gauges
  • Design for working in tight radii and networks with axle loads under 15 t
  • Choice of different engine manufacturers and emission standards ensures worldwide serviceability
  • A self-loading device facilitates transport between networks without a track connection, can be integrated on request (CompactTamper only)

With the two hydraulically lowerable stabilizing units, a particularly high working output of up to 2,600 m/h can be achieved, allowing you to keep up with even the fastest tamping machines. Stabilization is controlled and precise with the Plasser CompactStabilizer.

Proven technology in a new, modular design

  • Two track stabilizing units for high working speeds
  • Pressing rollers fold up when there are obstacles
  • Infinitely variable vibration frequency for continuous transitions on bridges and at the start and end of construction sites
  • Adjustable imposed load for targeted control of the compaction rate and reaction to local conditions
  • Analyses and displays track and working parameters digitally when configured with the DRP (Data Recording Processor)

Technical data

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Technical data and factsheet


Plasser CompactStabilizer

Machine illustration

Plasser CompactStabilizer


Increased track geometry stability and lower costs

0 %

longer maintenance cycles

0 %

increase in the service life of the ballast bed

0 %

longer service life of the rails

Plasser CompactTrailer: functional enhancement

Our trailer extensions allow several functions to be combined in one machine. Integrating several work steps into one pays off. This saves you time, money, and staff and extends the application potential.

Integrate additional work functions such as ballast profiling, ballast levelling, and post-measuring, and adapt the CompactTamper or CompactStabilizer exactly to the desired requirement profile. This means you are ideally equipped for spot maintenance in particular. Whether equipped with a sweeping unit for plain-line track and turnout maintenance, ballast regulating machine, railway loading crane, additional tanks for diesel or water, recording measuring system or loading platform: requirements vary greatly depending on the country and area of application, with the equipment options aligning accordingly.

Mechanized maintenance train with machines from the Compact series

Perfectly matched

The interplay between different machines in the fleet formation will become more important.

The better the machines work together, the higher the achievable working output and quality – and, ultimately, the economic efficiency. The machines in the Compact series are perfectly matched in terms of working output and speed, making it ideal to use them together.

A time-tested system ensures safe train transport worldwide
Time-tested for decades, the MDZ mechanized maintenance train is a system for ensuring optimal results on existing and newly laid track. It refers to the use of several machine types in a formation to produce a sustainable track position.

The team for efficient track maintenance

Plasser & Theurer’s Compact series provides all the machines required for economical track maintenance during short track possessions:

Plasser CompactTamper
The best tamping technology in a compact design

Plasser CompactRegulator
Ballast regulating machines for the correct ballast cross-section

Plasser CompactStabilizer
Dynamic track stabilization as the key to extending track maintenance cycles

Plasser & Theurer is your one-stop source of machines for a mechanized maintenance train. We are on-site for you worldwide.

With our 22 partner companies, we offer a large network with global production capacities. Our Certified Plasser Partners expand this network. This makes it even easier for our customers to reach us regionally for upgrades and retrofits as well as servicing or maintenance.